Source code for simmer.drivers

Module for driving reduction processes. Contains highest-level API.

from glob import glob

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os as os
from tqdm import tqdm

from . import darks, flats, image
from . import plotting as pl
from . import search_headers as search
from . import sky
from . import summarize as summarize

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger('simmer')

[docs] def all_driver( inst, config_file, raw_dir, reddir, sep_skies = False, plotting_yml=None, searchsize=10, just_images=False, selected_stars=None, verbose=True ): """ Runs all drivers, performing an end-to-end reduction. Inputs: :inst: (Instrument object) instrument for which data is being reduced. :config_file: (string) path of the config file containing plotting specifications. Optional. :raw_dir: (string) path of the directory containing the raw data. :reddir: (string) path of the directory to contain the reduced data. :sep_skies: (Boolean) if true, skies for observations of star STAR are recorded with Object = "STAR sky". If false, observations were taken using a dither pattern and can be used as the skies. :plotting_yml: (string) path to the plotting configuration file. :selected_stars: (array of strings; OPTIONAL) list of stars to reduce """ #check if desired reddir exists and create it if needed if os.path.isdir(reddir) == False: if verbose == True: print('Making reduction directory ', reddir) os.mkdir(reddir) # obtain file list from config file config = pd.read_csv(config_file) config.Object = config.Object.astype(str) if == "ShARCS": search.search_headers(raw_dir) if plotting_yml: pl.initialize_plotting(plotting_yml) #If this is a re-reduction, it's possible to save time by using existing darks, flats, and skies if just_images == False: darks.dark_driver(raw_dir, reddir, config, inst) flats.flat_driver(raw_dir, reddir, config, inst) sky.sky_driver(raw_dir, reddir, config, inst, sep_skies=sep_skies) methods = image.image_driver(raw_dir, reddir, config, inst, sep_skies=sep_skies, selected_stars = selected_stars, verbose=verbose) star_dirlist = glob(reddir + "*/") # we want to ensure that the code doesn't attempt to reduce folders # that are in the reduced directory but not in the config cleaned_star_dirlist = [ star_dir for star_dir in star_dirlist for ob in config.Object if ob in star_dir ] miter=0 print('methods: ', methods) for i, s_dir in enumerate( tqdm( np.unique(cleaned_star_dirlist), desc="Running registration", position=0, leave=True, ) ):"Running registration for {s_dir}")"searchsize: {searchsize}") if selected_stars != None: thisstar = os.path.basename(s_dir[:-1]) print('this star: ', thisstar) use_method = 'saturated' #workaround for now; would be better to do something like methods[miter] miter += 1 if thisstar not in selected_stars: print('Star ', thisstar, 'not in selected list of stars (', selected_stars, ')') continue else: use_method = methods[i] image.create_im(s_dir, searchsize, method=use_method, verbose=verbose) #make summary plot showing reduced images of all stars observed summarize.image_grid(reddir) #make summary plot showing contrast curves for all stars observed #summarize.nightly_contrast_curve(reddir) """ Runs all_drivers, terminating after running sky_driver. Inputs: :inst: (Instrument object) instrument for which data is being reduced. :config_file: (string) path of the config file. :raw_dir: (string) path of the directory containing the raw data. :reddir: (string) path of the directory to contain the raw data. """
[docs] def image_driver(inst, config_file, raw_dir, reddir): """ Runs all_drivers, terminating after running image_drivers. Inputs: :inst: (Instrument object) instrument for which data is being reduced. :config_file: (string) path of the config file. :raw_dir: (string) path of the directory containing the raw data. :reddir: (string) path of the directory to contain the raw data. """ # get file list from config file config = pd.read_csv(config_file) config.Object = config.Object.astype(str) image.image_driver(raw_dir, reddir, config, inst) # Now do registration star_dirlist = glob(reddir + "*/") for s_dir in star_dirlist: image.create_im(s_dir, 10)