Source code for simmer.check_logsheet

# AS
# Created: 7/17/19
# Updated: 2/16/20
# Updated: 6/16/20

Capability to check whether logsheet format is conducive to creating a config.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from . import add_dark_exp as ad
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('simmer')

[docs] def check_logsheet(inst, log_name, tab=None, add_dark_times=False): """Checks for common typos/type errors in the logsheet. Should be run if an Excel worksheet is sent. Inputs: :inst: (Instrument object) instrument for which data is being reduced. :log_name: (string) path of the logsheet. :tab: (string) tab of interest, :add_dark_times: (bool) if true, runs the script within add_dark_exp to add the data from the automated dark script to the log sheet. Outputs: :failed: (int) number of failed logsheet checks. """ def check_tab(inst, add_dark_times, tab=None): """ Checks for typos for one day in the observing run, assuming each day corresponds to a new sheet. Inputs: :inst: (Instrument object) instrument for which data is being reduced. :add_dark_times: (bool) if true, runs the script within add_dark_exp to add the data from the automated dark script to the log sheet. :tab: (string) tab of interest. None for a CSV. """ if add_dark_times: ad.add_dark_exp(inst, log, raw_dir, tab=None) frame_cols = log_frame.columns desired_cols = [ "Object", "Start", "End", "Expose", "ExpTime", "Filter", ] missing = [] failed = 0 for col in desired_cols: if not np.isin(col, frame_cols): missing.append(col) if len(missing) != 0: logger.error(f"Missing columns for {missing}.") failed += 1 objects = log_frame["Object"].dropna().values exptimes = log_frame["ExpTime"].dropna().values if len(exptimes) != len(objects): logger.error("Missing an exposure time.") failed += 1 filters = log_frame["Filter"].dropna().values if len(filters) != len(log_frame[log_frame["Object"] != "dark"]): logger.error("Missing a filter.") failed += 1 starts = log_frame["Start"].dropna().values if len(starts) != len(objects): logger.error("Missing a start exposure.") failed += 1 ends = log_frame["End"].dropna().values if len(ends) != len(objects): logger.error("Missing an end exposure.") failed += 1 coadds = log_frame["Coadds"].dropna().values if len(coadds) != len(objects): logger.error("Missing a coadd.") failed += 1 if not np.all(exptimes > 0): logger.error("There are negative or 0 exposure times.") failed += 1 try: inter = ends - starts if not np.all(inter >= 0): logger.error("There are negative exposure times.") failed += 1 except ValueError: logger.error("Check the start and end exposures.") failed += 1 exposes = log_frame["Expose"].dropna().values try: if not np.all(exposes == inter + 1): logger.error('Incorrect number of exposures for start and end exposure.') failed += 1 except UnboundLocalError: logger.error('Incorrect number of exposures for start and end exposure.') failed += 1"{9-failed}/9 logsheet checks passed.") return failed failed = 0 if log_name[-3:] == "csv": log_frame = pd.read_csv(log_name) failed += check_tab(inst, add_dark_times=add_dark_times) elif log_name[-4:] == "xlsx" or log_name[-3:] == "xls": log = pd.ExcelFile(log_name, engine="openpyxl") if not tab: for sheet in log.sheet_names: log_frame = pd.read_excel(log, sheet, engine="openpyxl") failed += check_tab( inst, add_dark_times=add_dark_times, tab=sheet ) else: log_frame = pd.read_excel(log, tab, engine="openpyxl") failed += check_tab(inst, add_dark_times=add_dark_times, tab=tab) return failed