Source code for simmer.add_dark_exp

For ShARCS, the darks are often produced by an automated script at
the end of a night. This module adds these frames to the log sheet.

# AS
# Created: 2/11/19
# Updated: 2/11/19

import glob
import os
from ast import literal_eval

import as pyfits
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from openpyxl import load_workbook

[docs] def add_dark_exp(inst, log, raw_dir, tab=None): """Adds dark exposures to the end of log sheet if not specified. Inputs: :tab: (string) tab of Excel sheet to be used. :inst: (Instrument object) instrument for which data is being reduced. :log: (string path of the logsheet. :raw_dir: (string) path of the directory containing the raw data. """ def get_number(file): """For a Shane FITS filename, returns a number given its filename. Inputs: :file: (string) name of file of interest. """ if file[1] == "0": #check below needed because python raises an invalid token error when numbers have leading zeros if file[2] == "0": number = literal_eval(file[3:5]) # just a safer eval else: number = literal_eval(file[2:5]) # just a safer eval else: number = literal_eval(file[1:5]) return number def find_end(column): """Finds the end of a column. Inputs: :column: (pandas Series) column of DataFrame being searched. Outputs: :end: (int) index of end of column """ for i, item in enumerate(column): if not isinstance(item, str) and not isinstance(item, int): end = i return end end = len(column) return end def log_to_csv(log, tab, end, dark_log): """Writes a log to a csv file in current directory. Inputs: :log: (Excel sheet) logsheet to be analyzed. :tab: (string) tab of Excel sheet to be used. :end: (int) previous end of columns. :new_frame: (pandas DataFrame) new frame to be written into. """ if tab: book = load_workbook(log) writer = pd.ExcelWriter(log, engine="openpyxl") = book writer.sheets = dict((ws.title, ws) for ws in book.worksheets) dark_log.to_excel( writer, tab, index=False, startrow=end, header=False ) writer.close() else: #Save log with darks to a new file so that we don't end up adding #darks over and over if we rerun the pipeline parts = log.split('.') outlog = parts[0] + '_with_darks.'+parts[-1] current_log = pd.read_csv(log) #add the darks to the end of the data frame full_log = current_log.append(dark_log, ignore_index=True) full_log.to_csv(outlog, index=False, header=True) return outlog find_itimes(inst, raw_dir) if tab: initial_frame = pd.read_excel( pd.ExcelFile(log, engine="openpyxl"), tab, engine="openpyxl" ) else: initial_frame = pd.read_csv(log) # testing that writing works well. # then going to create a new dataframe for the darks and append it. itimes_file = pd.read_csv( raw_dir + "_dark_itimes.txt", sep=" ", header=None ) itimes_file.columns = ["file_name", "itime"] sorted_darks = itimes_file.sort_values(by=["file_name"]) itimes = np.array(sorted_darks["itime"]) files = np.array(sorted_darks["file_name"]) starts = [] ends = [] objects = [] exptime = [] exposes = [] previous_itime = np.nan #setting to a value that can't possibly match a real exposure time. for i, (itime, file) in enumerate(zip(itimes, files)): if itime != previous_itime: previous_itime = itime exptime += [itime] starts += [get_number(file)] objects += ["dark"] if i != 0: end_file = files[i - 1] ends += [get_number(end_file)] exposes += [get_number(end_file) - starts[len(starts) - 2] + 1] end_file = files[len(files) - 1] ends += [get_number(end_file)] exposes += [get_number(end_file) - starts[len(starts) - 1] + 1] #comment some of these out; when frame is merged with an existing log, #any missing columns should be filled in. NOTE: This probably breaks the excel version, #but works for the csv version. data_dict = { "Object": objects, "Start": starts, "End": ends, "ExpTime": exptime, "Coadds": np.full(len(objects), 1), "Expose": exposes, #"Total_tint": np.full(len(objects), np.nan), #"Filter": np.full(len(objects), np.nan), #"""Dither (")""": np.full(len(objects), np.nan), #"Aperture": np.full(len(objects), np.nan), #"TUB": np.full(len(objects), np.nan), #"Airmass": np.full(len(objects), np.nan), #"PT": np.full(len(objects), np.nan), #"KepMag": np.full(len(objects), np.nan), #"Companion": np.full(len(objects), np.nan), #"Comments": np.full(len(objects), np.nan), } # if these columns aren't added, .xlsx files will break here! if log[-3:] != "csv": keys_to_add = [ "Coadds", "Total_tint", "Filter", """Dither (")""", "Aperture", "TUB", "Airmass", "PT", "KepMag", "Companion", "Comments", ] for key in keys_to_add: data_dict[key] = np.full(len(objects), np.nan) new_frame = pd.DataFrame(data=data_dict) end = find_end(initial_frame["Object"]) outlog = log_to_csv(log, tab, end, new_frame) return outlog
[docs] def find_itimes(inst, raw_dir): """Read headers for all darks and make a list showing exposure times. Inputs: :inst: (Instrument object) instrument for which data is being reduced. :raw_dir: (string) path of the directory containing the raw data. """ # Set directories outdir = raw_dir files = glob.glob(raw_dir + inst.file_prefix + "*.fits") with open(outdir + "_dark_itimes.txt", "w") as outfile: for file in files: # load in header: head = pyfits.getheader(file) hkeys = np.array(list(head.keys())) # Strangely, there are one or two files without the "OBJECT" keyword # in the header. This check prevents crashes. integrations = np.where(hkeys == "TRUITIME") objects = np.where(hkeys == "OBJECT") if np.logical_and( len(hkeys[integrations]) > 0, len(hkeys[objects]) > 0 ): obj = head["OBJECT "] if obj == "dark": # if lastitime != itime: # lastitime = itime itime = float(round(inst.itime(head),2)) outfile.write( os.path.basename(file) + " " + str(itime) + "\n" )