Source code for simmer.utils

This module provides utility functions for the reduction pipeline.

import as pyfits
import numpy as np

[docs] def find_angle(loc1, loc2): """ Calculated the angle between two locations on a grid. Inputs: :loc1: (tuple) first location. :relative: (tuple) second location. Outputs: :angle : (float) real-valued angle between loc1 and loc2. """ angle = np.atan(loc1[1] / loc2[1]) return angle
[docs] def make_filelist(directory, numlist, inst): """Turn a list of numbers into a list of properly formatted filenames. Inputs: :directory: (string) path leading to directory of interest. :numlist: (list) list of numbers corresponding to fits files. :inst: (Instrument object) instrument for which data is being reduced. Outputs: :filelist: (list) list of strings pertaining to files of interest """ filelist = [ directory + inst.file_prefix + "{:04d}.fits".format(d) for d in numlist ] return filelist
[docs] def read_imcube(filelist): """Reads a stack of fits files into an image cube of dimensions (nims, xpix, ypix). Inputs: :filelist: (list) list of strings pertaining to files of interest. Outputs: :im_array: (3D array) array of 2D arrays pertaining to the files in filelist. """ im_array = np.array([pyfits.getdata(file, 0) for file in filelist]) return im_array
[docs] def image_subsection(input_image, npix, center): """reads in a full image array, selects the relevant subsection of the array, and returns the new array, transposed for use with Python. input_image must be 2D Inputs: :input_image: (2D array) image of which a subsection is desired. :center: (tuple) center of image, with format (x, y) :npix: (float) value for size of return image. If non-square image desired, enter as list. :default: center = (750, 1100) :npix: = 800 for inscribed region or npix = 1000 for circumscribing region (was 600 for inscribed region; CDD changed to 800) :transposed: = np.rot90(input_image.T,2) :transposed: = np.rot90(input_image,2) :center: = (2047-center[0],2047-center[1] Outputs: :subsection: (2d array) subsection of original image. )""" npix = np.array(npix) if np.size(npix) == 1: npix = [npix, npix] half = [int(n / 2) for n in npix] subsection = input_image[ center[0] - half[0] : center[0] + half[0], center[1] - half[1] : center[1] + half[1], ] return subsection
[docs] def header_subsection(input_image_file, npix, center): """ Reads out the header of a subsection. Inputs: :input_image: (2D array) image of which a subsection is desired. :center: (tuple) center of image, with format (x, y) :npix: (float) value for size of return image. If non-square image desired, enter as list. Outputs: :header: (FITS header) header of the image file, adjusted accordingly. """ header = pyfits.getheader(input_image_file) # hdulist = # header = wcs.WCS(hdulist[0].header) #CDD fix to prevent CRPIX1, CRPIX2 being evaluated as strings header["CRPIX1"] = npix / 2 - (center[1] - float(header["CRPIX1"])) # x=col header["CRPIX2"] = npix / 2 - (center[0] - float(header["CRPIX2"])) # y=row #header["CRPIX1"] = npix / 2 - (center[1] - header["CRPIX1"]) # x=col #header["CRPIX2"] = npix / 2 - (center[0] - header["CRPIX2"]) # y=row #end CDD header["NAXIS1"] = 800 #CDD changed from 600 header["NAXIS2"] = 800 #CDD changed from 600 return header
# def general_bad_pix(image): # sh = np.shape(image) # bp_im = image.copy() # px = 5 # # for r in range(sh[0]): # for c in range(sh[1]): # left = np.max([0, c-px]) #left of image, or 5 less than current pixel # right = np.min([sh[1], c+px]) #right of image or 5 more than current pixel # bott = np.max([0, r-px]) #bottom of image or 5 less than current pixel # top = np.min([sh[0], c+px]) #top of image or 5 more than current pixel # # region = image[bott:top, left:right] # region_size = np.size(region) # # nans = np.sum(np.isnan(region)) # if nans == region_size: # #all these pixels are shitty, set value to 0 # bp_im[r,c] = 0. # else: # r_med = np.nanmedian(region) # if image[r,c] > 5.*r_med or np.isnan(image[r,c]): # bp_im[r,c] = r_med # # return bp_im