Source code for

Functions to work with skies.

import os
from glob import glob

import as pyfits
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import re as re

from . import plotting as pl
from . import utils as u

[docs] def sky_driver(raw_dir, reddir, config, inst, sep_skies = False, plotting_yml=None): """Night should be entered in format 'yyyy_mm_dd' as string. This will point toward a config file for the night with flats listed. Inputs: :raw_dir: (string) directory for the raw data :reddir: (string) directory for the reduced data :config: (pandas DataFrame) dataframe corresponding to config sheet for data. :inst: (Instrument object) instrument for which data is being reduced. :sep_skies: (Boolean) if true, skies for observations of star STAR are recorded with Object = "STAR sky". If false, observations were taken using a dither pattern and can be used as the skies. :plotting_yml: (string) path to the plotting configuration file. """ if inst.take_skies: skies = config[config.Comments == "sky"] else: skies = config[ (config.Object != "flat") & (config.Object != "dark") & (config.Object != "setup") ] stars = skies.Object.unique() sdirs = glob(reddir + "*/") #Split into sky frames and star frames for observations taken by nodding if sep_skies == True: keep = np.zeros(len(stars)) + 1 for kk in np.arange(len(keep)): if("sky" in stars[kk]): keep[kk] = 0 wsky = np.where(keep == 0) wstar = np.where(keep == 1) skynames = stars[wsky] starnames = stars[wstar] else: starnames = stars skynames = stars if plotting_yml: pl.initialize_plotting(plotting_yml) for starname in tqdm(starnames, desc="Running skies", position=0, leave=True): s_dir = reddir + starname + "/" if ( s_dir not in sdirs ): # make sure there's a subdirectory for each star os.mkdir(s_dir) #determine object name for skies if sep_skies == True: skyname = starname+' sky' else: skyname = starname filts = skies[ skies.Object == skyname ].Filter.values # array of filters as strings for n, filter_name in enumerate(filts): skylist = eval( skies[skies.Object == skyname].Filenums.values[n] ) create_skies( raw_dir, reddir, s_dir, skylist, inst, filter_name=filter_name )
[docs] def create_skies( raw_dir, reddir, s_dir, skylist, inst, plotting_yml=None, filter_name=None ): """Create a sky from a single list of skies. sf_dir is the reduced directory for the specific star and filter. Inputs: :raw_dir: (string) directory for the raw data :reddir: (string) directory for the reduced data :s_dir: (string) directory corresponding to a specific star. :skylist: (list) list of strings of paths pointing to sky files. :inst: (Instrument object) instrument for which data is being reduced. :plotting_yml: (string) path to the plotting configuration file. Outputs: :final_sky: (2D array) medianed sky image. """ if plotting_yml: pl.initialize_plotting(plotting_yml) nskies = len(skylist) skyfiles = u.make_filelist(raw_dir, skylist, inst) sky_array = u.read_imcube(skyfiles) sky_array = inst.adjust_array(sky_array, nskies) head = inst.head(skyfiles[0]) filt = inst.filt(nskies, head, filter_name) # if necessary, make directory for filter. Also grab correct flat file fdirs = glob(s_dir + "*/") sf_dir = s_dir + filt + "/" if sf_dir not in fdirs: # make a dir for each filt os.mkdir(sf_dir) flatfile = reddir + f"flat_{filt}.fits" if == "PHARO" and filt == "Br-gamma": flatfile = reddir + "flat_K_short.fits" # no BrG flats in Palomar data #For ShARCS, use Ks flat instead of BrG-2.16 if necessary if ( == "ShARCS" and filt == "BrG-2.16"): if os.path.exists(flatfile) == False: flatfile = reddir + 'flat_Ks.fits' #For ShARCS, use J flat instead of J+Ch4-1.2 if necessary if ( == "ShARCS" and filt == "J+Ch4-1.2"): if os.path.exists(flatfile) == False: flatfile = reddir + 'flat_J.fits' flat = pyfits.getdata(flatfile, 0) for i in range(nskies): flat[flat == 0] = np.nan sky_array[i, :, :] = sky_array[i, :, :] / flat # final_sky = u.median_outlier_reject(sky_array, 2.0) #2sigma outlier rejection? final_sky = np.median(sky_array, axis=0) pl.plot_array( "intermediate", sky_array, -10.0, 100.0, sf_dir, "sky_cube.png" ) head.set("DATAFILE", str(skylist)) # add all file names hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(final_sky, header=head) hdu.writeto(sf_dir + "sky.fits", overwrite=True, output_verify="ignore") return final_sky