Source code for simmer.registration

Module containing all functions related to image center-finding
and stacking.

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.filters import median_filter
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import shift as subpix_shift
from skimage.feature import peak_local_max
import emcee
from numba import njit

from .scipy_utils import *

from simmer.analyze_image import *

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('simmer')

[docs] def roll_shift(image, shifts, cval=0.0): """ Rolls and shifts image. inputs: :image: (2-d array) photon counts at each pixel of each science image. :shifts: (1-d array of tuples) Enter shifts as (drow, dcol). """ first_roll = np.roll(image, shifts[0], axis=0) if shifts[0] >= 0: first_roll[0 : shifts[0], :] = cval else: first_roll[shifts[0] :, :] = cval second_roll = np.roll(first_roll, shifts[1], axis=1) if shifts[1] >= 0: second_roll[:, 0 : shifts[1]] = cval else: second_roll[:, shifts[1] :] = cval return second_roll
[docs] def zoom_image(image, rough_center): """ Zooms in around a smaller portion of the image for further registration. inputs: :image: (2-d array) photon counts at each pixel of each science image. :rough_center: (2-d array, default None) location of primary star. This argument is only passed in the wide binary case. outputs: zoomed_image : (2-d array) image zoomed around the provided center. """ scale = round(np.shape(image)[0] / 50) zoomed_image = image[ rough_center[0] - scale : rough_center[0] + scale, rough_center[1] - scale : rough_center[1] + scale, ] return zoomed_image
[docs] def register_bruteforce(image, rough_center=None): """ Performs the default image registration scheme. Shifts the center of the image to the peak. inputs: :image: (2-d array) photon counts at each pixel of each science image. :rough_center: (2-d array, default None) location of primary star. This argument is only passed in the wide binary case. outputs: image_centered : (2-d array) image cenered by the rotations method. """ def search_threshold(image): """ Performs a binary search along local max thresholds. Returns coordinates corresponding to a threshold that only returns, at most, 3 peaks in the image. inputs: :image: (2d array) image data to be searched. outputs: :coordinates: (list) an m x 2 array """ max_val = np.max(image) min_val = 0 # no negative values will be our peak # now perform binary search; first initialize lower, upper bounds lower_bound = min_val upper_bound = max_val while lower_bound <= upper_bound: threshold = np.floor((lower_bound + upper_bound) / 2) coordinates = peak_local_max( image, min_distance=100, threshold_abs=threshold ) if len(coordinates) > 3: lower_bound = threshold + 1 elif len(coordinates) == 0: upper_bound = threshold - 1 else: return coordinates return [] im_shape = np.shape(image) cent = (im_shape[0] / 2, im_shape[1] / 2) if rough_center is not None: small_image = zoom_image(image, rough_center) # now do binary search small_coordinates = search_threshold(small_image) coordinates_y = [ coord[0] + (rough_center[0] - scale) for coord in small_coordinates ] coordinates_x = [ coord[1] + (rough_center[1] - scale) for coord in small_coordinates ] coordinates = tuple(zip(coordinates_y, coordinates_x)) else: coordinates = search_threshold(image) num_rows, num_cols = np.shape(image) cent = (int(num_rows / 2), int(num_cols / 2)) base_position = cent # if no other information available, use center if len(coordinates) == 0: # if the algorithm failed return [] # pass that along yshift = base_position[0] - coordinates[0][0] xshift = base_position[1] - coordinates[0][1] image_centered = roll_shift(image, (yshift, xshift)) return image_centered
[docs] def find_wide_binary(image): """ Performs the first step of image registration for a science image that contains a wide binary. User input selects which target is the primary star of interest in the first frame of the target. inputs: :image: (2-d array) photon counts at each pixel of each science image. outputs: :rough_center: (2-element tuple) rough center of image, as determined by the user. """ def onclick(event): click_x, click_y = event.xdata, event.ydata rough_center.append((click_y, click_x)) # Only select one star if len(rough_center) == 1: fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect(cid) plt.close(1) fig = plt.figure(1) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.imshow(image) cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", onclick) rough_center = [] if len(rough_center) == 0: raise ValueError( "No star selected. If you are currently \ running this code in a Jupyter environment, please \ move to the command line/Python interpreter." ) # cast as integers for later slicing return np.round(rough_center[0]).astype(int)
[docs] def register_saturated(image, searchsize1, newshifts1, rough_center=None): """ Performs image registration when a saturated star is present in the science image. inputs: :image: (2-d array) photon counts at each pixel of each science image. :searchsize1: (int) initial size of search for center of image. :newshifts1: (list) keeps tracks of x-y shifts. :rough_center: (2-d array, default None) location of primary star. This argument is only passed in the wide binary case. outputs: :image_centered: (2-d array) image centered by the rotations method. :rot: the rotation :newshifts1: (list) keeps tracks of x-y shifts. """ im_shape = np.shape(image) cent = (im_shape[0] / 2, im_shape[1] / 2) if rough_center is not None: zoomed_image = zoom_image(image, rough_center) res1, im1, (xshift1, yshift1) = run_rot( zoomed_image, searchsize1, cent, 200 ) xshift1 += rough_center[1] yshift1 += rough_center[0] else: res1, im1, (xshift1, yshift1) = run_rot(image, searchsize1, cent, 200) if np.max(res1) == 0: rot = np.empty(res1.shape) rot.fill(np.nan) else: rot = res1 / np.max(res1) newshifts1.append((yshift1, xshift1)) image_centered = subpix_shift(image, (yshift1, xshift1)) return image_centered, rot, newshifts1
[docs] def roll2d(dat, xshift, yshift): """ Essentially performs numpy roll function in 2 dimensions. inputs: :dat: (2d array) image data. :xshift: (int) shift in the x direction. :yshift: (int) shift in the y direction. """ # do x first # for d in dat: # dat = list(map(int, d)) xshift = int(xshift) yshift = int(yshift) dat2 = np.roll(dat, xshift, axis=1) # zero out the wrapped around values if xshift > 0: dat2[:, 0:xshift] = 0 else: dat2[ :, dat.shape[1] + xshift : dat.shape[1] ] = 0 # plus sign because xshift is negative # now do y in similar fashion dat2 = np.roll(dat2, yshift, axis=0) if yshift > 0: dat2[0:yshift, :] = 0 else: dat2[dat.shape[0] + yshift : dat.shape[0], :] = 0 return dat2
[docs] def rotate_sub(dat): """Rotate the image about the center point, then subtract from original and record residuals. Does this at set angles. inputs: :dat: (2d array) image data. outputs: :total_residuals: (float) the summed total residuals. """ angles = [90, 180, 270] total_residuals = 0.0 for angle in angles: rotated_dat = rotate(dat, angle, reshape=False) residuals = np.sum(np.abs(dat - rotated_dat)) total_residuals += residuals return total_residuals
[docs] def calc_shifts( dat, x_initial, y_initial, xrad, yrad, find="max", method="radon" ): """Do the radon search and then translate back to image coordinates.""" if method == "rotate": out = rot_search(dat, x_initial, y_initial, xrad, yrad)[1] # elif method == 'radon': # out = radonSearch(dat, x0, y0, xrad, yrad) # interpolate interped_out = imresize(out) if find == "max": pix = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(interped_out), interped_out.shape) elif find == "min": pix = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(interped_out), interped_out.shape) xcen = dat.shape[1] / 2 ycen = dat.shape[0] / 2 xoffset = xcen - x_initial yoffset = ycen - y_initial # calculate roll shifts for all x and y combinations x_grid, y_grid = np.meshgrid( np.arange(xoffset + xrad, xoffset - xrad - 1, -0.01), np.arange(yoffset + yrad, yoffset - yrad - 1, -0.01), ) xshift = x_grid[pix] yshift = y_grid[pix] return (xshift, yshift), out
[docs] def shift_bruteforce(image, base_position=None, max_shift=200, verbose=False): """This will shift the maximum pixel to base_position (i.e. the center of image). Make sure base_position is entered as (int,int). max_shift: set pixels farther than max_shift from base_position to 0 to avoid selecting brightened edges as the target star. """ num_rows, num_cols = np.shape(image) cent = (int(num_rows / 2), int(num_cols / 2)) if not base_position: base_position = cent # if no other information available, use center #Mask edges to avoid selecting brightened pixels near image boundary #Determine maximum shift allowed in pixels (round up) imshape = image.shape max_shift = np.abs(max_shift) ilo = np.max([0, base_position[0] - max_shift]) ihi = np.min([imshape[0],base_position[0]+max_shift]) jlo = np.max([0, base_position[1] - max_shift]) jhi = np.min([imshape[0],base_position[1]+max_shift]) if max_shift == 0: logger.error('ERROR: Max shiftset to 0. Considering full image.') logger.debug(' Requested max_shift: ', max_shift) else: masked_image= image.copy()*0. masked_image[ilo:ihi, jlo:jhi] = image[ilo:ihi, jlo:jhi] # Apply a median filter to the image and find max pixel location. # Filter to remove hot pixels and make sure max is star. filtered = median_filter(masked_image, size=7) maxpix = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmax(filtered), filtered.shape) # Now shift that location to the center (or base_position) yshift = base_position[0] - maxpix[0] xshift = base_position[1] - maxpix[1] shifted = roll_shift(image, (yshift, xshift)) return shifted, (yshift, xshift)
[docs] def run_rot(image, searchsize, center, newsize): """ Runs all rotations. """ image[np.where(image < 0.0)] = 0.0 cut_image = image[ int(center[0] - newsize / 2) : int(center[0] + newsize / 2), int(center[1] - newsize / 2) : int(center[1] + newsize / 2), ] newcent = (newsize / 2, newsize / 2) (xshift, yshift), res = calc_shifts( cut_image, newcent[0], newcent[1], searchsize, searchsize, find="min", method="rotate", ) return res, cut_image, (xshift, yshift)
##### new PSF section
[docs] @njit(fastmath=True) def gaus2d3(x=0, y=0, mx=0, my=0, sx=1, sy=1, theta=0): x_mid = x - mx y_mid = y - my sintheta = np.sin(theta) costheta = np.cos(theta) x_prime = x_mid * costheta - y_mid * sintheta y_prime = x_mid * sintheta + y_mid * costheta return 1. / (2. * np.pi * sx * sy) * np.exp( -((x_prime) ** 2. / (2. * sx ** 2.) + (y_prime) ** 2. / (2. * sy ** 2.)))
[docs] @njit def log_prior(theta): mx1, my1, sx, sy, theta, log_f = theta if 2 <= mx1 <= 25 \ and 2 <= my1 <= 25 \ and 1 <= sx <= 12 \ and 1 <= sy <= 12 \ and 0 <= theta <= np.pi / 2 \ and -10 <= log_f <= 1: return 0.0 return -np.inf
[docs] def log_probability(theta, x, y, im1, noise): lp = log_prior(theta) if not np.isfinite(lp): return -np.inf return lp + log_likelihood(theta, x, y,im1, noise)
[docs] def log_likelihood(theta, X, Y, im1, noise): mx1, my1, sx, sy, theta, log_f = theta model1 = gaus2d3(X, Y, mx1, my1, sx, sy, theta) yerr1 = noise sigma21 = yerr1 ** 2 + model1 ** 2 * np.exp(2 * log_f) log_l1 = -0.5 * np.sum((im1 - model1) ** 2 / sigma21 + np.log(sigma21)) return log_l1
[docs] def fit_psf(im, source_find='photutils'): """ Performs a basic, flexible PSF fit. """ x_cen, y_cen = run_starfinder(im) initial = [x_cen, y_cen, 2, 2, np.pi/4, 0.1] # slightly perturb the walkers pos = initial + 1e-6 * np.random.randn(24, len(initial)) nwalkers, ndim = pos.shape noise = np.std(im) x = np.arange(0, im.shape[0]) y = np.arange(0, im.shape[1]) # create a grid for creating the model images X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler( nwalkers, ndim, log_probability, args=(X, Y, im, noise) ) sampler.run_mcmc(pos, 30000, progress=True); tau = sampler.get_autocorr_time() discard = 3 * np.max(tau) thin_factor = np.max(tau) // 2 flat_samples = sampler.get_chain(discard=discard, thin=thin_factor, flat=True) return flat_samples
[docs] def run_starfinder(im, **kwargs): """ Outputs ------ :central: (tuple) x, y coordinates of the central source """ sources = find_sources(im, plot=False, **kwargs) central_source = find_center(sources, verbose=False) return central_source
[docs] def register_psf_fit(frames): """ Constructs an empirical PSF for a single target, fitting for all the positions. Inputs ------ :frames: (np.ndarray, n_image x n_x x n_y) input array containing all the images at once. Outputs ------- :frames_centered: (np.ndarray, n_image x n_x x n_y) same as frames, but centered on the target. """ n_ims = frames.shape[0] frames_centered = np.copy(frames) samples_list = [] # iterate through the images, fit all their PSFs. for i in range(n_ims): im = frames[i, :, :] samples = fit_psf(im) samples_list += [samples] combined_fit =, axis=2) x_av, y_av, s1_av, s2_av, theta_av, f1_av = np.mean(combined_fit, axis=1) # "ratio" is the ratio between the semimajor and semiminor axis. ratio_av = np.max([s1_av, s2_av]) / np.max([s1_av, s2_av]) # now we can find the centers based on inputting those parameters to the DAOStarFinder. for i in range(n_ims): im = frames[i, :, :] x_cen, y_cen = run_starfinder(im, theta=theta_av, ratio=ratio_av) # todo: refactor so no duplicated code! x_initial = im.shape[1] / 2 y_initial = im.shape[0] / 2 xoffset = x_cen - x_initial yoffset = y_cen - y_initial image_centered = subpix_shift(im, (yoffset, xoffset)) frames_centered[i, :, :] = image_centered del frames return frames_centered