Source code for simmer.image

Module to make the image stacking / production occur.

import os
from glob import glob

import as pyfits
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
from astropy.convolution import Gaussian2DKernel, interpolate_replace_nans

from . import plotting as pl
from . import registration as reg
from . import utils as u
from . import contrast as contrast

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('simmer')

[docs] class FlatOpeningError(ValueError): pass
[docs] def open_flats(flatfile): """ Opens flats files. Essentially a wrapper around pyfits.getdata that also includes a descriptive exception if the file doesn't exist. Inputs: :flatfile: (str) path to dark to be opened. Outputs: :dark: (array) data from darks FITS file. """ if flatfile[-4:] != "fits": raise FlatOpeningError( """Currently, SImMER only supports flats in FITS files.""" ) if not os.path.exists(flatfile): raise FlatOpeningError( """The requested flat file can't be found. Please check that you have a flat file corresponding to every filter used in your observations.""" ) else: flat = pyfits.getdata(flatfile, 0) return flat
[docs] def image_driver(raw_dir, reddir, config, inst, sep_skies=False, plotting_yml=None, verbose=False): """Do flat division, sky subtraction, and initial alignment via coords in header. Returns Python list of each registration method used per star. Inputs: :raw_dir: (string) directory for the raw data :reddir: (string) directory for the reduced data :config: (pandas DataFrame) dataframe corresponding to config sheet for data. :inst: (Instrument object) instrument for which data is being reduced. :plotting_yml: (string) path to the plotting configuration file. """ # Save these images to the appropriate folder. if plotting_yml: pl.initialize_plotting(plotting_yml) if inst.take_skies: skies = config[config.Comments == "sky"] else: skies = config[ (config.Object != "flat") & (config.Object != "dark") & (config.Object != "setup") ] stars = skies.Object.unique() sdirs = glob(reddir + "*/") #Make sure list of stars doesn't include sky frames taken by nodding if sep_skies == True: keep = np.zeros(len(stars)) + 1 for kk in np.arange(len(keep)): if("sky" in stars[kk]): keep[kk] = 0 wstar = np.where(keep == 1) stars = stars[wstar] else: stars = stars methods = [] for star in tqdm( np.unique(stars), desc="Running image driver", position=0, leave=True ): s_dir = reddir + star + "/" if ( s_dir not in sdirs ): # make sure there's a subdirectory for each star os.mkdir(s_dir) filts = skies[ skies.Object == star ].Filter.values # array of filters as strings for n, filter_name in enumerate(filts): obj = config[config.Object == star] imlist = eval( obj[obj.Comments != "sky"].Filenums.values[n] ) # pylint: disable=eval-used # liter_eval issues # cast obj_methods as list so that elementwise comparison isn't performed obj_methods = config[config.Object == star].Method.values # use pd.isnull because it can check against strings if np.all(pd.isnull(obj_methods)): methods.append("quick_look") else: obj_method = obj_methods[~pd.isnull(obj_methods)][0].lower() if "saturated" and "separated" in obj_method: methods.append("saturated separated") elif "saturated" in obj_method and "separated" not in obj_method: methods.append("saturated") elif "saturated" not in obj_method and "separated" in obj_method: methods.append("separated") create_imstack( raw_dir, reddir, s_dir, imlist, inst, filter_name=filter_name ) return methods
[docs] def create_imstack( raw_dir, reddir, s_dir, imlist, inst, plotting_yml=None, filter_name=None ): """Create the stack of images by performing flat division, sky subtraction. Inputs: :raw_dir: (string) path to directory containing raw data :reddir: (string) path to directory containing reduced data :s_dir: (string) path to directory corresponding to a specific star. :imlist: (list) list of strings of paths pointing to image files. :inst: (Instrument object) instrument for which data is being reduced. :plot: (bool) determines whether or not intermediate plots should be produced. :filter_name: (string) name of the filter used for the images in question. Outputs: :im_array: (3d array) array of 2d images. :shifts_all: recording of all the x-y shifts made """ if plotting_yml: pl.initialize_plotting(plotting_yml) nims = len(imlist) imfiles = u.make_filelist(raw_dir, imlist, inst) #Keep track of original filenames so that we can annotate the shift1_cube #image arrays and easily decide which images to exclude original_fnames=imfiles.copy() for jj in np.arange(len(imfiles)): original_fnames[jj] = os.path.basename(imfiles[jj]).split('.')[0] im_array = u.read_imcube(imfiles) im_array = inst.adjust_array(im_array, nims) head = inst.head(imfiles[0]) filt = inst.filt(nims, head, filter_name) # if necessary, make directory for filter. Also grab correct flat file fdirs = glob(s_dir + "*/") sf_dir = s_dir + filt + "/" if sf_dir not in fdirs: # make a directory for each filt os.mkdir(sf_dir) flatfile = reddir + f"flat_{filt}.fits" if ( == "PHARO" and filt == "Br-gamma" ): # not sure whether this is generalizable flatfile = reddir + "flat_K_short.fits" #For ShARCS, use Ks flat instead of BrG-2.16 if necessary if ( == "ShARCS" and filt == "BrG-2.16"): if os.path.exists(flatfile) == False: flatfile = reddir + 'flat_Ks.fits' #For ShARCS, use J flat instead of J+Ch4-1.2 if necessary if ( == "ShARCS" and filt == "J+Ch4-1.2"): if os.path.exists(flatfile) == False: flatfile = reddir + 'flat_J.fits' flat = open_flats(flatfile) skyfile = sf_dir + "sky.fits" sky = pyfits.getdata(skyfile, 0) sky[np.isnan(sky)] = 0.0 # set nans from flat=0 pixels to 0 in sky shifts_all = [] for i in range(nims): # flat division and sky subtraction current_im = im_array[i, :, :] flat[flat == 0] = np.nan current_im = ( current_im / flat ) - sky # where flat = 0, this will be nan current_head = pyfits.getheader(imfiles[i]) # bad pixel correction current_im = inst.bad_pix(current_im) # now deal with headers and shifts shifted_im, shifts = reg.shift_bruteforce( current_im ) # put it at the center shifts_all.append(shifts) im_array[i, :, :] = shifted_im hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(shifted_im, header=current_head) hdu.writeto( sf_dir + "sh{:02d}.fits".format(i), overwrite=True, output_verify="ignore", ) pl.plot_array( "intermediate", im_array, -10.0, 10000.0, sf_dir, "shift1_cube.png",snames=original_fnames ) # write shifts to file textfile = open(sf_dir + "shifts.txt", "w") textfile.write("im, d_row, d_col\n") for i, shift in enumerate(shifts_all): textfile.write("{},{},{}\n".format(i, *shift)) textfile.close() return im_array, shifts_all
[docs] def create_im(s_dir, ssize1, plotting_yml=None, fdirs=None, method="quick_look", verbose=False): """Take the shifted, cut down images from before, then perform registration and combine. Tests should happen before this, as this is a per-star basis. Inputs: :s_dir: (str) directory for the raw data :ssize1: (int) initial pixel search size of box. :plotting_yml: (str) path to the plotting configuration file. :fdirs: (list of str) file directories. :method: (str) image registration method. """ if plotting_yml: pl.initialize_plotting(plotting_yml) if not fdirs: fdirs = glob(s_dir + "*/") for sf_dir in fdirs: # each filter for each star #Only register star images, not sky images dirparts = sf_dir.split('/') if 'sky' in dirparts[len(dirparts)-3]: logger.debug('this is a sky directory: ', sf_dir) continue logger.debug('working on sf_dir ', sf_dir) files = glob( sf_dir + f"sh*.fits" ) # might need to change to file_prefix nims = len(files) frames = u.read_imcube(files) frames = frames.astype(float) arrsize1 = ssize1 * 2 + 1 rots = np.zeros((nims, arrsize1, arrsize1)) newshifts1 = [] # if we're doing PSF-fitting, we do it across all the images at once if method == 'psf': frames = reg.register_psf_fit(frames) for i in range(nims): # each image image = frames[i, :, :] #Interpolate over NaNs so that scipy can shift images #without producing arrays that are completely NaN #Following this tutorial: # Generate Gaussian kernel with x_stddev=1 (and y_stddev=1) # It is a 9x9 array kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(x_stddev=1) # Replace NaNs with interpolated values image = interpolate_replace_nans(image, kernel) if method == "saturated": image_centered, rot, newshifts1 = reg.register_saturated( image, ssize1, newshifts1 ) rots[i, :, :] = rot elif method == "quick_look": image[image < 0.0] = 0.0 image_centered = reg.register_bruteforce(image) if len(image_centered) == 0:"Resorting to saturated mode.") image_centered, rot, newshifts1 = reg.register_saturated( image, ssize1, newshifts1 ) rots[i, :, :] = rot elif method == "saturated separated": rough_center = reg.find_wide_binary(image) image_centered, rot, newshifts1 = reg.register_saturated( image, ssize1, newshifts1, rough_center=rough_center ) rots[i, :, :] = rot elif method == "separated": rough_center = reg.find_wide_binary(image) image_centered = reg.register_bruteforce( image, rough_center=rough_center ) frames[i, :, :] = image_centered # newimage final_im = np.nanmedian(frames, axis=0) #Trim down to smaller final size final_im = final_im[100:700,100:700] #extract central 600x600 pixel region #Trim down to smaller final size cutsize = 600 #desired axis length of final cutout image astart = int(round((final_im.shape[0]-cutsize)/2.)) bstart = int(round((final_im.shape[1]-cutsize)/2.)) aend = astart+cutsize bend = bstart+cutsize if np.logical_or(aend > final_im.shape[0],bend > final_im.shape[1]): logger.error('ERROR: Requested cutout is too large. Using full image instead.')'Current image dimensions: ', final_im.shape)'Desired cuts: ', astart, aend, bstart, bend) else: final_im = final_im[astart:astart+cutsize,bstart:bstart+cutsize] #extract central cutsize x cutsize pixel region from larger image head = pyfits.getheader(files[0]) hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(final_im, header=head) hdu.writeto( sf_dir + "final_im.fits", overwrite=True, output_verify="ignore" ) textfile1 = open(sf_dir + "shifts2.txt", "w") textfile1.write("im, d_row, d_col\n") for i, item in enumerate(newshifts1): textfile1.write("{},{},{}\n".format(i, *item)) textfile1.close() pl.plot_array( "rots", rots, 0.0, 1.0, sf_dir, "rots.png", extent=[-ssize1, ssize1, -ssize1, ssize1], ) final_vmin, final_vmax = np.percentile(final_im, [1,99]) pl.plot_array( "final_im", final_im, final_vmin, final_vmax, sf_dir, "final_image.png" ) frames_vmin, frames_vmax = np.percentile(frames, [1,99]) pl.plot_array( "intermediate", frames, frames_vmin, frames_vmax, sf_dir, "centers.png" )