Source code for simmer.flats

Functions to work with flats.

import os
from glob import glob

from os import path

import as pyfits
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

from . import plotting as pl
from . import utils as u

[docs] class DarkOpeningError(FileNotFoundError): pass
[docs] def open_darks(darkfile): """ Opens dark files. Essentially a wrapper around pyfits.getdata that also includes a descriptive exception if the file doesn't exist. Inputs: :darkfile: (str) path to dark to be opened. Outputs: :dark: (array) data from darks FITS file. """ if darkfile[-4:] != "fits": raise DarkOpeningError( """Currently, SImMER only supports darks in FITS files.""" ) if not path.exists(darkfile): raise DarkOpeningError( """The requested dark file can't be found. Please check that you have a dark file corresponding to every exposure setting used in your observations and flats.""" ) else: dark = pyfits.getdata(darkfile, 0) return dark
[docs] def flat_driver(raw_dir, reddir, config, inst, plotting_yml=None): """Sets up and runs create_flats. Inputs: :raw_dir: (string) directory for the raw data :reddir: (string) directory for the reduced data :config: (pandas DataFrame) dataframe corresponding to config sheet for data. :inst: (Instrument object) instrument for which data is being reduced. :plotting_yml: (string) path to the plotting configuration file. """ if plotting_yml: pl.initialize_plotting(plotting_yml) _flats = config[config.Object == "flat"] filts = _flats.Filter.tolist() for filter_name in tqdm( filts, desc="Running flats", position=0, leave=True ): # literal_eval issues below flatlist = eval( _flats[_flats.Filter == filter_name].Filenums.values[0] ) # pylint: disable=eval-used itime = _flats[_flats.Filter == filter_name].ExpTime.values[0] # darks are matched with flats by exposure time darkfile = reddir + f"dark_{int(round(itime))}sec.fits" create_flats( raw_dir, reddir, flatlist, darkfile, inst, filter_name=filter_name )
[docs] def create_flats( raw_dir, reddir, flatlist, darkfile, inst, filter_name=None, test=False ): """Create a flat from a single list of flat files. Inputs: :raw_dir: (str) directory where the raw data is stored. :reddir: (str) directory where the reduced data is stored. :flatlist: (list) list of integers corresponding to flats. :inst: (inst object) instrument for which data is being reduced. :filter_name: (str) filter name given if head['FILT1NAM'] == 'Unknown' :plotting_yml: (string) path to the plotting configuration file. :test: (bool) Boolean flag used for testing purposes. Outputs: :final_flat: (array) median-filtered flat. """ nflats = len(flatlist) flatfiles = u.make_filelist(raw_dir, flatlist, inst) #Save flat filenames to label plotting grid short_flatfiles = flatfiles.copy() for jj in np.arange(len(flatfiles)): short_flatfiles[jj] = os.path.basename(flatfiles[jj]).split('.')[0] flat_array = u.read_imcube(flatfiles) flat_array = inst.adjust_array(flat_array, nflats) head = inst.head(flatfiles[0]) filt = inst.filt(nflats, head, filter_name) if test: dark = 0.0 else: dark = open_darks(darkfile) for i in range(nflats): flat_array[i, :, :] = flat_array[i, :, :] - dark flat_array[i, :, :] = flat_array[i, :, :] / np.median( flat_array[i, :, :] ) final_flat = np.median(flat_array, axis=0) final_flat = final_flat / np.median(final_flat) #CDD change: use a narrow range for flat colorscaling (was -2, 2) flat_vmin, flat_vmax = np.percentile(flat_array, [1,99]) pl.plot_array( "intermediate", flat_array, flat_vmin, flat_vmax, reddir, f"flat_cube_{filt}.png", snames=short_flatfiles ) # CDD update # head.update('DATAFILE', str(flatlist)) #add all file names head.set("DATAFILE", str(flatlist)) # add all file names # end CDD update hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(final_flat, header=head) hdu.writeto( reddir + f"flat_{filt}.fits", overwrite=True, output_verify="ignore" ) return final_flat